- Floor
- Vault
- Parallel Bars (Parallettes)
- Pommel Horse (Trainer & Pod)
- Rings
- High Bar
The 28 graphs include the
following types of data, from the following positions:
Force Plate
- Plank Position
- Floor Hurdle
- Chassé
- Arm Motions
- Crab Walk
- Tuck Jump
- Vault
- Handstand
- Salto and Handstand on Rings
- Side Swings on Pommel Trainer
Video Analysis
- Quarter Circle on Pommel Pod
- Half Circle with Flare on Pommel Pod
- Side Swings on Pommel Trainer
- Swing to L-Sit on Parallettes
- Salto
- Rings Sequence (Upper Body & Lower Body on Separate Graphs)
- Dip on Large Parallettes
- Simulated Pushup in Handstand Position
- Standing to Deep Squat on Floor
- Standing to Tuck on Large Parallettes
- Forward Support
- Dip on Large Parallettes
- Pull-Up on Large Parallettes, Neutral Grip
- Pull-Up on Rings, Neutral Grip
- Side Swings on Pommel Trainer
- Normal Breathing
- Breathing with Inappropriate Holding of Breath after Inhale
As with the main series of
graphs, this book provides material for a flexible combination of lesson plans.
The most basic skills include graph-reading, while more complex skills include
comparison and contrast, critical thinking skills, and mathematical modeling.
The Science of Gymnastics: An Anthologyof 28 Graphs for Kids, Teens, & Curious Adults by M. Schottenbauer, Ph.D. is for sale from CreateSpace wholesale and major
internet retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and
Additional Information